We offer landscaping , maintenance and design services

Phone: 480.433.9976
Mon – Fri : 8AM -5PM
  • Sodding is the process of laying out panels of grass or turf. It is the process of transplanting grass that has already grown or matured.
  • Seeding is the process of distributing grass seeds that will grow slowly on their own. Seeding is much less expensive than sodding.
  • Top dressing is the process of laying out compost, soil, or sand to your lawn. That can add nutrients and organic material so your grass can handle more wear if people are walking over it frequently, and it will make your lawn a more level surface.
  • Thatch is a mix of plant material, both dead and alive, that forms at the base of your lawn, where the grass stem touches the soil. Since some of that takes a long time to decompose, the layer grows thicker and thicker over time. While a little bit is healthy, a lot can be very bad. Professionals can help de-thatch your lawn by removing that material without damaging the roots of your grass.
  • Grading your yard means working to form a level base that slopes in a planned direction. Lawns should slope away from your house and drop two inches or so every ten feet. The grading for your entire landscape should match – meaning walkways, patios, and lawns should all slope at the same rate. This is usually accomplished upon installation through use of what’s referred to as “earth-moving equipment.”