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Hydro-seed is a great and inexpensive way to seed large areas of lawn quickly. Hydro-seeding is also more effective than hand-seeding, because the warmth in the mulch makes the seeds germinate better than it would if the process were done by hand. However, you’ll need help from a professional or have to rent a machine for this option.
Hand-seeding is advantageous in its own right, because you can tailor your choices to account for the amount of sun you see in the area you live, the soil type around your house, and the amount people will be walking over the grass. Keep in mind, though, that if your hand-seeded lawn is a great growing ground for grass, it will be so for weeds as well.
Loam is a fertile soil made of sand, silt, and clay. It retains nutrients and water extremely well, and is ideal to lay down for a lawn you plan to hand-seed.
Sod is the most common choice, because it is easy to install, and its roots naturally make it difficult for weeds to grow. However, that installation can be pricey, and sod can be more susceptible to disease than other lawn options.